Nathan here! Only a week behind with posting but last Thursday was a busy day, as they all are!
We kicked off the day in Jarrow with Blu and Bear the British Bulldogs (forgot a pic!). Bear is having some anxiety issues and is reactive to other dogs and people, and has also nipped a couple of people. He also resources guards, barks at stuff out the window, and becomes aggressive when people come to the house. We have put a plan in place with some simple exercises to hit the bulk of his anxiety triggers and some foundations for his reactivity. I’ll be back soon and update you all on his progress
Next, I was off to Wallsend to see Nala the beautiful white German Shepherd for our second session. Nala has some extreme environmental anxiety and literally barks the entire time she’s out. We are working to give her alternative behaviours to keep her focused which will then enable us to work through her anxiety. Nala is doing AWESOME so far!
Next, I was back in Jarrow with Rosie and Ella the Westies. They are lovely dogs and very friendly with people but nervous with dogs. Previously, they would bark at every dog even over the road, but now they are able to walk past the majority of these without an issue. Their owner has worked insanely hard on them and should be proud of their success
Ollie the Labradoodle is a great dog that really helps his owners with their health issues, somewhat an unofficial therapy dog. He was nervous about other dogs and this caused him to bark and lunge at them. Due to his owners' health issues, this meant they couldn’t walk him and it was all left to 1 person. We have taught him to walk nicely on the lead and added a head halter for any incidents, which is he comfortable with wearing. His reactivity is miles better and his owners are now able to walk him again, which is amazing! Ollie really helps his family and it’s great that they are now able to spend more time with him out and about without risks!
Freyja the Great Dane is doing AMAZING! She previously was reactive and anxious around people and dogs just a couple of weeks ago, this session we were able to walk down the Nook shopping street with people all over and no anxiety at all from her. We still need to do some work on dogs but she doesn’t have much that reinforces her, so we are building this first. The big change here was comfortable equipment, we removed the head collar and replaced it with a front clip harness so she doesn’t feel as restrained. Well done Freyja!
Well done guys, you’re all doing fab!
If this case sounds like your dog and you are having a similar issue, or a different issue entirely, book a FREE assessment call with us by clicking HERE.