Arthur is a very loving French Bulldog who absolutely adores people. Inside the house, he's all over them, giving kisses and always happy to be around them. But once outside, things change dramatically. He becomes extremely overstimulated, overwhelmed, and reactive. He reacts intensely to people, dogs, cars, or anything that moves.
Originally, Arthur wasn’t very food-driven, but as he became less stressed, he started taking food again. With him now being under the threshold, we were able to teach him a good loose-leash walk. He focused on his owners as we worked through the garden, gradually progressing to the street. This was new for him, as he’d only used the front door before.
His reactivity dropped dramatically as he focused more on the work we gave him. This allowed us to begin desensitizing and counter-conditioning, leading to much better walks. Now, Arthur can enjoy walks in areas where he has more distance from traffic, helping him improve even more.
Arthur's family has been fantastic, with one owner even completing several dog training courses. Well done, everyone! I’ll be back to see you all soon
If this case sounds like your dog and you are having a similar issue, or a different issue entirely, book a FREE assessment call with us by clicking HERE