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90% Better In 1 Session

Updated: Jun 18, 2021

Jack, like many of the dogs I see at the moment, is a rescue from Greece.

Jack has been mildly reactive for a while now but it’s gradually got worse until his owner has decided enough is enough and it needs to be sorted.

We had a virtual session at the start of August where I got to know about Jack and his lifestyle.

Jack and their family live on a busy bee build estate, which keeps him alert and disturbed, unable to fully relax and always on edge, then he goes out for walks and most things tip him over the edge.

Basically, life just got a bit too much for him and like many of us, Jack needed a holiday!

We gave jack a couple of weeks off before of first in-person session, then got straight into his training and helping him see the world isn’t such a

scary place as he thought.

Jack did amazing, nailed everything that was thrown at him except a weird-looking 3 wheeled scooter and someone's dog who was let off lead and completely out of control (and ignored 2 recalls ).

Jack and Sally (not to be confused with the Blink 182 song) did fantastic and looking forward to seeing their progress soon

Well done guys!

If this case sounds like your dog and you are having a similar issue, or a different issue entirely, book a FREE assessment call with us by clicking HERE.

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