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Resolving reactivity

Bella the Jack Russell x Patterdale from South Shields is doing fantastic. She was really nervous with other dogs and would react at a massive distance. She now hardly reacts at all. There are a few other things that we’ve noticed since she’s allowed to go more places now without being reactive anymore - she’s a bit nervous about things like people in high viz and also bikes, so we’re working through those with her now, but Bella has done fantastic, she’s literally gone from reacting to dogs from miles off to being able to go on group walks without any issues now.

Eric the lurcher from Sunderland. Eric was again highly reactive to other dogs from about 200 meters away, he had a massive distance. In this session we got him walking within a meter of four of my dogs. He did kick off at my little Jack Russell Millie at first because she’s very busy and he wasn’t expecting her to come out from behind the car, so we put her away again, we worked with him with my bigger dogs and then brought her back out and he did fantastically, he’s just brilliant. Eric is getting really close to other dogs, he’s not reacting anymore for the most part and he’s just doing fantastic. His loose leash walking is coming along brilliantly as well.

If this case sounds like your dog and you are having a similar issue, or a different issue entirely, book a FREE assessment call with us by clicking HERE.


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